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What does it take to show the God of the universe that you love Him? It seems like a pretty daunting task for even the best of us. But today I’m going to share with you what it really takes to love our amazing God.
Some of you may have seen a few new pages on the blog when I re-branded. My Growing with God page is new around here, and in it are a few things that have been on my heart for this blog.
While I love talking about homemaking, the most important thing I could communicate to y’all is my love for Jesus, and to share that love with you!
I know that becoming a Christian is exciting at first, but quickly it can get overwhelming. Even for those of us who have been Christians for a while, making time to spend with Him, is hard. Learning to abide by Him is hard. And probably the most difficult of all is sharing His word with others.
I want to not only create a space for homemaking, but also create a space for you to learn more about God, and how to grow in Him.
Today I want to talk about loving God.
There are three simple ways we can take action on today! that show Him your love. Understanding that God loves us no matter what we do or how we act. He is our Heavenly Father and His love is eternal.
1 | Keep His Name Holy
Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God, because the Lord will not leave anyone unpunished who misuses his name — Exodus 20:7 (CSB)
In God’s first Ten Commandments, He instructs us to keep His name Holy! He is the God of all creation and I cannot tell you how many times a day I hear people misuse His name, or take it in vain. It’s no different to them than it is to say “What’s up?”
Make a point to not use the Lord’s name unless you are praying or speaking of Him to others. Take time to teach your children, and encourage your husband to not use His name in a foul manner.
Replace it instead with sayings like “Oh my stars!” or “Oh my lanta!” We all need to have something to say when the hammer swings and misses, but it should never be the name of the Lord.
2 | Know His Heart
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” — John 13:34-35 (CSB)
One of the things most mentioned in the Bible is love. God loved us so much He sent His only Son to die for us! To some people that doesn’t sound so amazing, but I always put it into perspective like this. If you were the last person on Earth, it would be you nailing Him to the cross, and He would still die for you. Think about that for a minute.
Another thing in the Bible about love is that God wants us to love each other as we have loved Him.
“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” — Matthew 25:40 (CSB)
This can be such a hard thing for us to do. For every day there are people in the world who hurt us, who hurt our family. I can say that there are people that if I never saw them again it would be too soon! But that’s not how God wants us to treat each other.
God loved the sinner, He loved the saints. God loved. God is love. He asks us to love as He has loved us. This looks different for every one of us, but think of ways that you can start loving others in order to better love God.
How can you spread God’s love?
- Create and disburse blessing bags to the homeless in your community.
- Bring dinner to a new mom.
- Bring dinner to a mom who is overwhelmed.
- Bless someone who has hurt you. (**I will add here, please don’t seek out people who have abused you. It is very dangerous and sometimes we need to let others love them for us.**)
- Do a secret act of kindness for a stranger.
- Do a secret act of kindness for someone you know.
There are so many things you can do to spread God’s love each and every day. Whether they be little or big things, it doesn’t matter, for God knows your heart. If you’re still struggling with ideas on how to love others, join us at The Homemaker’s Corner for our Thoughtful Tuesdays where we share ideas on how to love others well.
3 | Strive After Him
Before I give you the Bible verse for striving after Him, I wanted to share the definition of strive with you.
Strive: verb
1. make great efforts to achieve or obtain something
2. struggle or fight vigorously
Many days can seem so, so hard, but to struggle and fight for God in order to obtain the reward of doing so is the best thing you can do for yourself.
“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because I tell you, many will try to enter and won’t be able” — Luke 13:24 (CSB)
Every day we make choices. Small and big choices. Almost everything we do has a choice and a consequence. Be mindful of your choices every day. Chose to obey the Lord, to follow His commands and to seek Him out. It is very hard, sisters, but I can guarantee it is so worth the reward.
What ways do you choose to love God? Leave a comment below and encourage one another in your walks with Him! Continue to share the love of Christ with one another, even though it may be hard!
Hello! I'm Amanda Elizabeth, creator of The Homemaker's Cottage. As a homemaker I have constantly felt the pull between old fashioned homemaking and the fast paced world we live in today. So I created The Homemaker's Cottage: a stress-free space between the old in the new, where there is no judgement and we can learn that homemaking can be relevant, easy and even enjoyable.
Join me on this journey to serve God, your family, and begin homemaking from where you are.
One of the ways I choose to show my love for God is through patience. I try to remain patient at all times, and in all ways, to show people there is, indeed, a loving God shining through me. When people compliment me on my patience, this gives me the opportunity to let them know “God blessed me this way”.
That is an amazing way of showing God’s love to others! I definitely know I test His patience everyday! LOL