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A generous woman is hard to find. When the world is consumed with climbing the ladder of success, instead of finding generous women, we find greedy and selfish ones. Very rarely do we find a woman who is willing to give and go the extra mile without expecting anything. They are so few, but so coveted by man and woman alike, and so adored by God.
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
-Proverbs 31:10
So, what is the secret behind their generosity? How can they give and give and give without collapsing entirely?
The secret? They learn to take generously first.
I know what you’re thinking: what do you mean they take generously? These women are some of the most unselfish people I’ve ever met! And you are absolutely right.
Where do they take from? From God of course.
He is the ultimate cup filler.
When we are generous, whether it be with our time, our money, our patience, our families, whatever it is, we are filling others’ cups. And in doing so, we, in turn, need to take time to receive and have our cups filled. The only way you can truly have your cup filled is from devotion and worship to Him. He is the Almighty, the Giver, the Taker, the All-Powerful Creator.
So how can we ensure that we can have our cups filled in order to be generous?
1 | Be purposeful
If you are not purposeful with your time, then you are possibly wasting a lot of it. Being purposeful with your time through a routine or a schedule gives you added time to your day. Leaving you plenty of time to spend with the Lord, and even a bit of time to yourself! Take that time to shoo away kids (and husbands) and create a quiet atmosphere where you can recharge and relax.
2 | Pray
When you’re taking time to be with God, pray for a generous heart, a patient attitude, and a loving outlook on those around you. It is so hard to not be selfish as the sinners we are; and we need the intervention of the Holy Spirit to guide us to do His will, not our wishes.
3 | Budget
To be a generous giver, there’s always something that has to give whether it’s food, time, or money, most times, at the root of all of it is money. Whether it’s through buying food, losing money at work by taking time off, or giving money itself, money is often at the heart of giving in this day and age. So a proper budget needs to be in order. Understand the needs of your family and finances, and then use a small percentage each month that you and your husband agree to give.
4 | Family First
I cannot stress this one enough. Although it is nice to give to the church, orphans and widows, and everything else that needs our attention, your number one ministry as a wife, mother, and homemaker is your home. So if you find yourself being pulled between giving to strangers or giving to your family, always give to your family first. (After God of course.)
5 | Research
There are so many charities out there today–1.8 million to be exact that desperately need our attention. Some are well-meaning, and others, not so much. Before you choose to give, research who you’re giving to. Some of the big charities aren’t charities at all, but “non-profits” that have multi-million dollar CEOs. Some charities have a terrible reputation but are really a place that needs help. Do your research before you give and prayerfully think about where to give.
6 | Know Your Heart
One of the most important things about giving is that your heart is in it. It’s one thing to send a monthly donation off to a charity each month (which is fine, no bashing here), but it’s another to instead spend that same amount of money by bringing an elderly woman in your neighborhood groceries and spending time with her. Know your heart and where your passions and God-given talents lie, and use those to guide your giving.
7 | Prepare
Oftentimes, giving is not your once-a-month charity donation, or even bringing groceries to the elderly. Sometimes it’s spontaneous and random and tugs at your heartstrings. (God is well known for doing such things, now isn’t he? 🙂 ) Prepare to give to many people by stocking your car with blessing bags for the homeless, and maybe over the months buy a few Visa gift cards and grocery cards that you can use at any time to give to someone in need without giving them cash. (Because oftentimes, our hard-earned cash, in the wrong hands, can be used the wrong way.)
8 | Learn to Say No
One of the most important things that you can do is learn to say no. Many churches and organizations run on the backs of just a handful of people and others don’t realize what is going on because so and so is always happy to volunteer, so why should they? Learning to say no and mean it early on can help set healthy boundaries for you and your family, making your home a place of peace and a sanctuary in the chaos.
Being prepared in your home and life can give you the ability to manage your resources, time, and patience so that you can be the generous woman that you and God want you to be. And remember, always give yourself grace. Because without your cup filled, you will be unable to fill the cups of others around you.

Hello! I'm Amanda Elizabeth, creator of The Homemaker's Cottage. As a homemaker I have constantly felt the pull between old fashioned homemaking and the fast paced world we live in today. So I created The Homemaker's Cottage: a stress-free space between the old in the new, where there is no judgement and we can learn that homemaking can be relevant, easy and even enjoyable.
Join me on this journey to serve God, your family, and begin homemaking from where you are.
These tips were so well thought out. I especially appreciate the one about giving to your family first!