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Homemakers, by a show of hands, who here has had days they don’t feel motivated to tend to their house? Maybe you work outside the home, and by the time you return, you are too worn out to even wash dishes. Or perhaps you’ve spent the better part of a day shuffling the kids from one activity to the next, and when you get home all you want is a nap.
Are you like me, a woman who doesn’t work, yet still has days where she has no motivation to take care of things at home?
Society tells women that homemaking has no place now and that women should be focused on their careers instead. However, as Christian women, I feel like we NEED to make homemaking a priority! And when we do make an effort to be active keepers of the home, sometimes we may get tired of doing the same tasks over and over.
I mean, no matter how much you love your home, sweeping the same floors every day can get a little repetitive. Not only can the work be boring at times, but it can also be physically and mentally tiring! Oftentimes, the repetitiveness combined with possible boredom makes it hard for us to actually get motivated, up, and get busy.

Here are some tips for being a motivated homemaker, no matter what keeps you from working.
Start Small
Start small with your chore list. If you are physically unable to do a lot of work for long periods of time, focus on one or two tasks for now. You might find it helpful to make a weekly chore list of tasks you know you can do (dust, wipe down counters, laundry, etc) and check off a few per day instead of trying to complete them all at once. This tactic also works well for women who work outside the home.
Follow the “Two Minute” Rule
Follow the “Two Minute” rule to reduce clutter on a daily basis. The Two Minute rule is quite simple: ask yourself “Will it take me two minutes or less to put this item back where it belongs?” If so, go do that now! I find this especially useful for motivating me to take my dishes back to the kitchen, instead of leaving them in the living room after movie night. Putting items away ASAP means there will be less to clean up before bed or first thing in the morning.
Think About Your Family
Think about your family and how they would feel coming home from their busy days to see a messy or disorganized home. When my husband worked full time (he is now a full-time university student) I knew he didn’t like coming home to me in my PJs, watching Netflix, and having done nothing all day. Doing those things was disrespectful to him because it was like I was saying “I know you worked hard all day, but I don’t care enough about your needs to have done anything for you”. I’m not saying my house is always spotless, but I make sure to pick up the living room (since that is the first room you see upon entering my home) and have dinner ready to go. It’s amazing how our loved ones can be such good motivators, and they might not even know it!
Pray About It
Pray about it and ask God to give you the encouragement to be a more motivated homemaker. If He has placed you in that role, then He wants you to succeed! Not everyone is “domestically inclined” and that’s okay, but those ladies should be spending time in prayer so they can become the best homemaker they can be! God loves us and wants us to share our heart with Him, even for something that may seem small (like a lack of motivation for homemaking). Likewise, ladies who are physically limited can be praying for strength to make it through a few tasks. And women who work outside the home can ask God to give them a spirit of willingness to spend some time taking care of their house.
Get Up and Do It
How easy is it to sit around, sighing, and say “I just don’t have the energy/motivation/time/etc to clean the house today”? Well, it’s just as easy to get up and start working! Honestly, once you begin housework, it’s not as bad as you thought! I admit to being unmotivated on many occasions, but I tell myself to get over it, and once I start sweeping, I’m amazed at how much more I want to do!
Some women are naturally motivated homemakers, and others may have to work a little harder, but we can’t compare ourselves to each other and feel bad about our self-imposed shortcomings. Everyone has days they would rather stay in bed, instead of tending their house, and while those are fine once in a while, too many can lead to a spirit of idleness. Let’s aim to be the best homemakers God has designed us to be!

Hello, friends! I’m Christina, a twenty-something wife and homemaker from rural Ontario, Canada. I am a full time homemaker and I feel like it truly is my calling. When I have spare time I enjoy reading Christian fiction, blogging about homemaking and modest fashion, sewing and knitting, hiking or snowshoeing with my husband, and spending time with my chickens.
Wonderful encouragement here! Thanks for sharing your heart and being honest! I think us mom’s would be less discouraged if we were all more honest!
Honesty is the best policy! Especially when it comes to real life! We are not Patty Pinterest’s or Holly Homemakers, we are real, raw and true women! It’s time we own it and let God’s light shine through our imperfections! So glad you stopped by!
I absolutely 100% needed this! I am saving this to my PC! Thank you for your hard work in putting this together for us ladies! ~Cailin