While there is a large population of stay-at-home homemakers, wives, and mothers; one population we fail to recognize are the working women whose hearts are at home. The women, who have to work two or three jobs, whose children have to attend public school. The women who don't have the white picket fence or the loving husband. Are you one of those women? Because I am. In 2014, when I started this blog, I had just left college and was engaged ... read more
Learning to be Content
Living in America in this day in age is still an age where it's important to be keeping up (or beating) the Jones' family when it comes to climbing the social ladder. Whether it's the size of your car or house, the number of children you have, or the amount of things you have in your craft room; there's always something that apparently needs to be upgraded in our lives, but the thing is, does it really? Now, before I continue this post, I ... read more
To the Mother Whose Cradle is Empty This Mother’s Day
**Trigger Warning: This post contains content including: miscarriage, infant death, infant loss, etc. Please be aware of your triggers and don't read on if you don't feel comfortable doing so.** ♥ During my marriage, I suffered two miscarriages. One at 13 weeks and one at 5 (I think). Even now, almost 3 years since I lost my second, with a soon to be adopted baby on the way, my heart does not stop yearning for my angels. ... read more
Press 1 for Jesus
For any company you can call these days, you're going to be met with an automated greeting and menu, no matter what. That's just how it is, take the call, process the call and send it off to the right section of the company. This often leads the customer to frustration, impatience and eventually anger; because let's be honest, it's not a great system. But the purpose of the system was not to have great personal time with the client but to have ... read more
Abiding with Jesus – Hope in God
Two years ago exactly, I was homeless, jobless, my husband had just left me and my best friend had just died from brain cancer. I was at the lowest point in my life, and yet every morning I still awoke to the hope that the Lord had instilled in me with his promises. Being hopeful doesn't mean that we know what tomorrow brings, it means that we know the Lord has already been there making a way for us to join Him. I can't say that the ... read more