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We buzz through each day so busy that as soon as it begins, it seems to end. Trying to find time with the Lord each day seems near impossible. The world cares about your output of work, not about your quiet time with the Lord. So how can we make time for Him under all the pressures of the world?
For me, trying to find time to spend time with the Lord between two jobs, and one adoption seems impossible. I wake and head straight to work, get home around midnight, sleep and repeat. When do I have time to do anything but work? I can tell you it’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it to make time for the Lord. Here are some of my tips for fitting in time with Him every day.
Take an Extra 5 Minutes
Whether you set your morning alarm 5 minutes earlier, take 5 minutes of your lunchtime, or spend an extra 5 minutes before bed; take those few minutes and read one chapter, a few verses, whatever you need of the Bible.
Make sure to have a moment to be able to digest what you are reading. Whether you go back to work and think about it throughout your day, or as you drift off to sleep. There’s no point in finding time for the Lord if you can’t meditate on what He’s trying to tell you.
Embrace Technology
In the age that we live in, it’s super important to embrace the technology that comes with it. We are expected to keep up with the societal norms, which doesn’t always leave us the time that our grandparents had. So what can we do?
Use apps. I personally use the CSB app to read my Bible. This gives me the ability to read, highlight, take notes, make comments, and if I wanted to pay for it, listen to my Bible. This means not only can I take my Bible everywhere with me, but I can make the most of waiting in line at the bank, or I can quote scripture to those who ask about Jesus.
Not only that but with my second job, I have an hour commute each way. I easily have time to listen to devotionals, Christian books, or the Bible itself as I drive. And in the morning, when I’m getting ready, I make sure to put on my favorite Christian podcast whenever I can.
Not only does this give me the ability to have time with Him each day, but it also encourages me each day when the world wants to get me down.
Pray More Intentionally
I’ve talked quite a bit recently on praying intentionally: from ways to pray over your husband to ways to pray over your whole family. One of the best ways to find time with the Lord is to pray, pray pray! Prayer is easy and you can incorporate it in anything you do. Start a habit of praying as often as you can, even if it’s just a little prayer. No matter how big or small, how severe or light your prayers may be, God hears you and they are never too small for Him. He yearns to grow closer to you and will embrace every opportunity you give Him.
How do you find time with the Lord during a busy season? Leave your comments below and encourage one another to grow closer to Christ!
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Hello! I'm Amanda Elizabeth, creator of The Homemaker's Cottage. As a homemaker I have constantly felt the pull between old fashioned homemaking and the fast paced world we live in today. So I created The Homemaker's Cottage: a stress-free space between the old in the new, where there is no judgement and we can learn that homemaking can be relevant, easy and even enjoyable.
Join me on this journey to serve God, your family, and begin homemaking from where you are.
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